They can modify the nodes or inject them with malware.Īll these points signify that Tor is not safe to use. The exit nodes can log the contents of the request you made.As a result, they start throttling your connection and can even target you for surveillance. Your ISP can’t see your activity, but they can see that you’re using the Tor browser.The traffic routes through several nodes, increasing loading time and decreasing speed.

Using the Tor browser results in slow and sluggish connection speed.Your data remains vulnerable and unprotected as it leaves Tor’s exit nodes to its destination. It means encryption is only within the layers. Tor browser only provides layered encryption instead of encrypting the entire data.Some network administrators have blocked access to the Tor browser.Tor is vulnerable to exit nodes and malware attacks, so it doesn’t guarantee complete protection.The following mentioned below are some of the issues of using the Tor browser: There are some issues and risks associated with the Tor browser, and it is crucial to know about them to learn how vulnerable you might be. Nonetheless, despite all the flaws and vulnerabilities, the Tor browser is somewhat safe to use if you practice specific tips to enhance your security on the Tor browser. Your ISP can also throttle and monitor your connection using the Tor browser. This makes your data vulnerable to both spying and hacking. It routes the data through multiple nodes and goes unencrypted when it leaves the exit node. Tor, instead of encrypting the entire data traffic, provides layered encryption.